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ETQW Promod 0.5

Verfasst: Di 15. Apr 2008, 13:22
von Jagdpantherac
<img src="banner/quakewars.png" align="left" border="0">Lange haben wir drauf gewartet und nun ist er da. Eben erst erschienen, steht er auch schon zum Download bei uns bereit. Die neuer Version enthält einige Bugfixes und auch ein paar Neuerungen. Auf diesem Server könnt ihr die neue Version ausprobieren.

Click here to download the File ETQW Pro 0.5 (9MB)
<div align="right">
ETQW Pro Wiki

Verfasst: Di 15. Apr 2008, 13:26
von Jagdpantherac

- Fixed spelling typo. We now have the cyclops back
- Fixed a bug when selfkilling in a medium vehicle, the other medium vehicle stays locked!
- Fixed the issue that you couldnt move backwards while having sprint key pressed with es_sprintstyle 1
- Fixed the personals Best cvar! It will now get recognized from start on (thx for the pie reyalp)
- Fixed the Fast unscope (lean) bug. You can now do all fancy stuff @ lean, but not shoot!
- ec_skipAtmosphericEffects will now apply on the fly
- Cvar renames for Badger -> Armadillo, Goliath -> Cyclops, Hornet -> Tormentor
- Fixed that weapons got applied the wrong spread issue

New Features:

fastsalvage -> if on --> last spawn 30 / 20
--> if off --> last spawn 30 / 15
Basic Camtrace 3D Support see
Scandemo see
Tv Admin Portal see
Hitsounds are localized now see
ETQW will be slightly more accurate!

- Added scandemo see:
- Changed the console background, so names can be read better
- Added statistics to the game. Those will be displayed after each round in the console
- Breaking news: we can use the horn under water!
- switchHud [0,1] 0 = vanilla hud; 1 = etqwpro hud (only for testing yet!)
- Pause -> unpause seconds raised to 10.
- Reworked the weapon spread
- speclock - lock your team from spectators
- specunlock - unlock your team from spectators
- specinvite - invite a player to spec your team
- specuninvite - remove a player from the invite List
- players - show all players and their IDs
- freecam - gets into ct3d Freecam Mode
- setFreecamPos - sets a ct3d Camera position
- getFreecamPos - gets a ct3d Camera position
- startTvAdmin - start the TV Admin
- stopTvAdmin - stop the TV Admin

- Added ec_debugSpread -> prints a chatline what spread is being used (vanilla or etqwpro)
- Added es_maxMines - defaults to -1, set to the max number of mines you want to allow for a team.
- Added es_allowCrosshair3rdPerson - defaults to disabled, set to 1 for a crosshair in 3rd person view
- Added es_allowCrateGrenades - defaults to disabled, set to 1 if you want to allow grenades to be given by crates
- Added es_allowRadar - defaults to disabled, set to 1 if you want to allow radar
- Added es_allowMines, es_allowThirdEye, es_allowAirStrike, es_allowFlyerDrone, all defaults to enabled, set to 0 to disable
- Reamed all cvars to es_ for server cvars, and ec_ for client side cvars
- Added ec_fastRevive (ETQWPRO revive speed, defaulted to 1)
- Added ec_fastPacks (ETQWPRO pack drops, defaulted to 0) -> no need to press a mousebutton for each drop
- es_sprintstyle has now 3 values. 0 = vanilla, 1 = allow sprint while reload and
dropping supplies, 2 = allow sprint while reload
- ec_drawInfoMode How the user gets informed about any restrictions (entering vehicle etc)
0 = chatLine, 1 = Hud Popup, 2 = disabled
- es_reviveStyle 0 = Vanilla, 1 = ETQWPro (3 seconds godmode, not moveable for 2 (mouse + keyboard) but ability to shoot)
- g_useMapScripts reworked. 0 = disabled, 1 = mapscripts only, 2 = teamscripts only, 3 = both
- es_headshotsOnly -> first headshot wins, only headshots will do damage
- ec_skipSky - [0,..,3] 0 = standard sky, 1 = black sky, 2 = gray sky, 3 = light gray sky (needs to be set before the map loads.)
- changed es_aimstyle 2 to the Vanilla lvl 3 light weapon unlock
- tv_adminPass, tv_adminEnable, tv_adminPort
- es_allowReadyTeam

- Made g_noTVChat also clientside available
- Added viewers command to get see who is spectating with you!