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ETQW Linux Client Patch 1.2r5

Verfasst: Di 20. Nov 2007, 15:31
von silver
<img src="banner/quakewars.png" align="left" border="0">Heute ist der langerwartete "echte" 1.2er Patch für Linux veröffentlicht worden. Er soll unter anderem FPS Probleme beheben. Leider fehlt immer noch der Threadedrenderer, Wenn ihr bereits Patch 1.2r2 installiert habt, dann braucht ihr nur den nomedia Patch.

<blockquote><i>A new release of the Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars 1.2 client update for Linux is now available, bringing full voice-over-IP communication and several other fixes to the Penguin-flavored version of the game.</i>

* voice chat support (OSS and Alsa backends)
* OSS sound: fixed the dsp device from s_dsp -> s_device
* s_noMic to skip the mic init / voice input
* by default, don't require Ctrl+Alt+~ for console toggle
* r_useThreadedRenderer hardcoded to 0 - is not supported in the Linux build atm
* cleanup and simplify the frame timing code, hopefully fixing the fps banding problems
* fix showFPSBandings crash, com_showFPS needs to be enabled
* make SIGHUP shutdown more explicit, as it's not a crash but rather a requested shutdown (controlling terminal exited)
* set r_useFBODestinationBuffer to 0 when detecting an NVidia card (required for 5700 series otherwise performance degrades too much)
* misc updates to fix potential gamecode crashes
* add zpaks to the setups</blockquote> <div align="right">Quelle:TTimos Linux Blog</div>