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No Quarter Mod Beta 1.0.4

Verfasst: Sa 4. Nov 2006, 16:33
von MadGun
<div align="left">Der NoQuarter-Mod, der ursprünglich auf ETPub basiert bringt auch in der jetzt veröffentlichten(schon ne weile her) Version (Beta) 1.0.4 jede Menge neue Features, unter anderem neue Waffen (Shotgun, Bar, StG44, Bazooka und Mp34), mehr Ränge, und und und...


alle Features (org. Readme in Englisch):
-New ranks, totalling 19
-Aura skills, much like RPGs, with region of effect.
-Insanity fun modes, including instant spawn, guided or homing rockets, panzer and mortar camera, and firebolt throwing.
-New player face skins
-Fun new end game awards
-Visible player leaning
-Droppable weapons and droppable clips, for ammo sharing
-Underwater oxygen bar
-ETPro style head hitboxes
-Realism options, including realistic proning and no shooting while on ladders
-Customizable landmine and airstrike smoke color, per team
-Customizable weapon scripts

Click here to download the File No Quarter Mod Beta 1.0.4