Seite 1 von 2

NoQuarter, kein automatischer Mapwechsel

Verfasst: So 29. Jun 2008, 16:06
von Luk Luk
Kurz und knapp:

Wenn eine Map zu Ende ist und kein Spieler auf dem Server ist, dann bleibt die Map, auch wenn sie auf 0:00 steht. Erst wenn ein Spieler connectet, dann steht unten "Server restarting" und die nächste Map läuft an. Ich möchte aber, dass die Maps auch ohne einen Spieler wechseln. Das Teil soll ja nicht die ganze Nacht auf Battery laufen!

Hier meine server.cfg:

Code: Alles auswählen

// No Quarter b1.1.1 sample config by S.S.Meyerinchains - 3/20/2007
// Visit for more documentation
// This config is for reference only, do not use!

//* Omni-Bots * //

// Omnibot_Enable - Enables omnibots. Requires Omnibot 0.6 installation
set Omnibot_Enable 0

// Omnitbot_Path - The path to the directory containing omnibot_et binary file.
set Omnibot_Path "/omni-bot"

set g_bots_maxXP 10000

//* Exclusive No Quarter CVARS * //

// ip_max_clients - limits the number of simultaneous connections per IP. Prevents q3fill attacks. Since most families that play from
// one IP don't usually use more than 3 at once, 3 is default, set higher if you get complaints about that, though 3 is still
// recommended for most cases.
set ip_max_clients 3

// g_SBCheats - Much like g_tyranny, this prevents even admins with the proper powers to use cheating shrubbot commands.
// Such commands include !ammopack, !medpack, !revive, !disguise and !give
set g_SBcheats 0

// g_adrenaline - Customize behavior of adrenaline
// 1 - Spawn with no adrenaline needles, can only get them from ammo packs
// 2 - Ammo packs do not contain adrenaline needles
// 4 - Can only carry one needle at a time
// 8 - Adrenaline only boosts stamina, not health
// 16 - Adrenaline only boosts health, not stamina
// 32 - Adrenaline causes player's eyes to glow red when used
// Default: 0
set g_adrenaline 40

// g_noAttacklInvul - Removes spawn shield from a player once they begin to attack.
// Default: 0
set g_noAttacklInvul 0

// g_defaultMute - The time, in seconds, that a mute command will last if no time parameter is entered.
// Default: 3600 (1 hour)
set g_defaultMute 35

// g_weaponItems - customize how weapons are dropped upon limbo death
// 0 - Drop no weapons upon limbo death
// 1 - Drop primary weapon upon limbo death (default ET)
// 2 - Drops secondary weapons (pistols) upon limbo death
// 4 - Extra clips are included when you pickup a dropped weapon
// 8 - Pick up ammo you need from dropped weapons, but leave the gun and what ammo is left on the ground
// 16 - Do not pickup dropped weapons you don't need, guns that you already have, (but with no ammo),
//      or if you have full ammo or that particular gun
// 32 - Do not ammo clips from dropped Garands
// Default: 1
set g_weaponItems 3

// g_missileHealth - Sets the amount of health a panzer/bazooka missile has.
// Set this to 0 to make missiles indestructible.
// Default: 5
set g_missileHealth 5

// g_missileSpeed - Sets the speed a panzer/bazooka missile travels at.
// Set to 0 to enable default speed. Values over 300 are ignored if Guided Rockets are enabled.
// Default: 0
set g_missileSpeed 0

// g_bulletReflect - Shooting at metal surfaces will reflect
// the bullets back at the appropriate angle.
// 1 - Reflect weapons that are set to reflect bullets
// 2 - Reflect all weapons
// Default: 0
set g_bulletReflect 1

// g_falloff - Toggles falloff damage
// Default: 1
set g_falloff 1

// g_missileGravity - Sets gravity on Panzer and Bazooka rockets. This is not a bitmask.
// 1 - Strong gravity
// 2 - Weak gravity (realistic)
// Default: 0
set g_missileGravity 0

// g_fastBackStab - Backstabs insta-gibs players into limbo,
// making them unrevivable. Will play a unique animation on
// the stabbed player.
// Default: 0
set g_fastBackStab 1

// g_realism - A few flags to add a bit of realism to the gameplay.
// 1 - Play transition animations when going prone and standing up
// from prone, overall it slows standing up from proning drastically.
// 2 - Cannot use weapons while holding onto ladders

// Default: 0
set g_realism 2

// g_announcer - killing spree announcer can be disabled by setting this to 0.
// 0 - Disable announcer
// 1 - Announce killing sprees
// 2 - Announce death sprees
// 4 - Announce multikills
// Default: 7
set g_announcer 7

// g_flushItems - Allows dropped items to lay flush with the angle of the ground
// they are on. May cause items to turn when they hit the ground.
// Default: 1
set g_flushItems 1

// g_painAnims - Shows pain animations. This is a serverside CVAR because the pain
// animations effect where the head hitbox is, when coupled with g_realHead.
// Default: 0
set g_painAnims 1

// g_painChance - If g_painAnims is set to 1, this sets the percentage that a pain
// animation will be played when hurt. Accepts values from 0 to 100.
// Default: 25
set g_painChance 25

// g_smokeColor_Allies - The randomness of color for Allied airstrikes and landmine
// smoke. Setting these colors to zero, will make your smoke look flat in color, like
// covert ops smoke does. Setting them high, like up to 1, will make the smoke have
// high contrast.
// Values: [red green blue alpha]
// Default: "0.1 0.1 0.6 0.0"
set g_smokeColor_Allies "0.1 0.1 0.8 0.0"

// g_smokeMod_Allies - The constant of color for Allied airstrikes and landmine smoke.
// This give your smoke their main color. Recommended values are .5 or less, otherwise
// your smoke may look to flat in color.
// Values: [red green blue alpha]
// Default: "0.0 0.0 0.1 0.5"
set g_smokeMod_Allies "0.0 0.0 0.1 0.5"

// g_smokeColor_Axis - The randomness of color for Axis airstrikes and landmine
// smoke. Setting these colors to zero, will make your smoke look flat in color, like
// covert ops smoke does. Setting them high, like up to 1, will make the smoke have
// high contrast.
// Values: [red green blue alpha]
// Default: "0.8 0.1 0.1 0.2"
set g_smokeColor_Axis "0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0"

// g_smokeMod_Axis - The constant of color for Axis airstrikes and landmine smoke.
// This give your smoke their main color. Recommended values are .5 or less, otherwise
// your smoke may look to flat in color.
// Values: [red green blue alpha]
// Default: "0.1 0.0 0.0 0.5"
set g_smokeMod_Axis "0.1 0.0 0.0 0.5"

// g_maxLevel* - These are to cap the max level a player can gain in a skill.
// This is in reaction to the new skill levels in No Quarter. If you don't like them,
// set all these to 5 and you'll never gain a skill above 4. Set them all to 0 to
// disable skills all together.
// Default: 10

set g_maxLevelBattleSense 10
set g_maxLevelLightWeapons 10
set g_maxLevelSoldier 10
set g_maxLevelMedic 10
set g_maxLevelEngineer 10
set g_maxLevelFieldOp 10
set g_maxLevelCovertOp 10

// g_multikillTime - The time, in milliseconds, that a player has to make another kill
// to be counted as a multikill. If g_multilkillTime milliseconds pass and a player
// does not make another kill, the multikill is announced and reset.
// Default: 1000
set g_multikillTime 2000

// g_grenadeBonus - Customize the grenade loadout for higher levels
// 1 - Additional grenades for levels above 4
// 2 - Additional bonus grenades for high Light Weapons skill
// Default: 3
set g_grenadeBonus 3

// g_mortarBBox - Puts a bounding box (hitbox) around mortar shells, to prevent them
// from going through small windows and other narrow gaps.
// Default: 0
set g_mortarBBox 0

// g_shotgunPellets - The number of pellets in a shotgun shell. Values above 50 may cause
// lag, especially with many shotguns. Recommended no higher than 20.
// Default: 12
set g_shotgunPellets 12

// g_weaponScriptsDir - Defines the directory that weapon scripts will be placed to edit
// how weapons behave in NQ.
// Default: ""
set g_weaponScriptsDir ""

// g_spectator - Sets flags for various spectator options.
// 1 - Freelook specs can aim and fire another player to follow.
// 2 - Players will have team colored glow arround them.
// 4 - Show player names above their heads
// Default: 0
set g_spectator 2

// jp_insanity - New fun modes!
// 1 - Instant Spawn
// 2 - Unlimited Ammo
// 4 - Mortar Cam
// 8 - Rocket Cam
// 16 - Unlimited Charge
// 32 - Guided Rockets
// 64 - Homing Rocketes
// 128 - Unlocked Weapons
// 256 - Venom Mode
set jp_insanity 300

//* Other CVARS * //

// g_throwDistance - Sets the distance a ammo or health pack is thrown.
// Default: 75
set g_throwDistance 100

// g_dragCorpse - Enables players to drag wounded teammates to safety.
// Default: 0
set g_dragCorpse 1

// g_dropObj - Enables players to drop a carried objective by switching to knife and hitting thier activate bind (default F)
// Default: 0
set g_dropObj 1

// g_slashkill - Sets flags for various spectator options.
// 1 - Player spawns with half charge bar after /kill.
// 2 - Player spawns with 0 charge bar after /kill.
// 4 - Restores the charge bar to the same state it was in at the moment the player issued /kill (regardless of how long they were in limbo), (sticky charge).
// 8 - Disables /kill command.
// 16 - Disable /kill when player is poisoned.
// Default: 0
set g_slashkill 20

// g_spawnInvul - Sets spawn shield protection length.
// Default: 3
set g_spawnInvul 3

// g_dropAmmo - Sets the amount of ammo packs a Field Ops drops when killed.
// Default: 0
set g_dropAmmo -1

// g_dropHealth - Sets the amount of med packs a Medic drops when killed.
// Default: 0
set g_dropHealth -1

// g_shortcuts - Toggles shortcuts for player names, current health and other useful info.
// Default: 0
set g_shortcuts 1

// g_shrubbot - Sets the name of the shrubbot config file (typically shrubbot.cfg).
// When nothing is set, shrubbot features are disabled.
// Default: ""
set g_shrubbot "shrubbot.cfg"

// g_skills - Allows players to retain skill bonuses when playing other classes.
// 1 - Flak Jacket carries over
// 2 - Adrenaline carries over
// 4 - Enemy recognition carries over
// 8 - Assassin backstab bonus carries over
// 16 - Landmine spotting ability carries over
// Default: 0
set g_skills 20

// g_msgs - Duration between banner messages setting g_msgX cvars,
// (g_msgs1, g_msg2, etc). The first missing g_msgX cvar will start the message
// cycle over, back to the first message.
// Default: 0
set g_msgs 35

// g_msgPos - Change the location of banner messages if g_msgs is positive and
// g_msgX cvars are set.
// 0 - Chat area
// 1 - Center of screen
// 2 - Left notification area (CPM)
// Default: 0
set g_msgPos 1

// g_msgX - Various CVARs that contain messages. g_msgs must be positive for these
// to display. After the last g_msgX is displayed, the cycle will start over.
seta g_msg1 "^0|^dNo Teamkilling^0|"
seta g_msg2 "^4|^2No spamming^4|"
seta g_msg3 "^8|^^8|"
seta g_msg4 "^0|^1>>>NO<<<3Spawkilling>^2FunGame^1< ^5Come in! ^9| ^1by"
seta sv_maxclients "16"
seta g_password ""
seta g_needpass ""
seta refereePassword "**********************"
seta rconpassword "********************"
sets Admin ""
sets Email ""
sets URL ""
seta sv_privateClients "0"
seta sv_privatePassword ""
set g_motd ""
set g_settings "settings.cfg"
seta g_gametype "2"
seta g_gravity "800"
seta g_speed "320"
seta g_allowvote "1"
seta sv_zombietime "1"
seta g_inactivity "120"
seta sv_floodprotect "0"
seta g_complaintlimit "3"
set g_lms_teamForceBalance "1"
set g_lms_roundlimit "3"
set g_lms_matchlimit "2"
set g_lms_lockTeams "1"
set g_lms_followTeamOnly "1"
set g_maxalliedlives "0"
set g_maxaxislives "0"
seta g_doWarmup "0"
seta g_warmup 30"
seta g_teamAutoJoin "0"
seta g_teamForceBalance "1"
seta g_noTeamSwitching "0"
seta g_friendlyFire "1"
set b_noskillupgrades "0"
set g_floodthreshold 0
set g_floodWait 0
set g_intermissionTime 32
set g_intermissionReadyPercent 49
set g_userAlliedRespawnTime 12
set g_userAxisRespawnTime  12

set g_heavyWeaponRestriction "100"
set g_antilag "1"
set g_altStopwatchMode "0"
set g_autofireteams "1"
set g_ipcomplaintlimit "3"
set g_fastres "0"
set g_voiceChatsAllowed "4"
set g_spectatorInactivity "0"
set sv_floodProtect "1"
set sv_minping "0"
set sv_maxping "900"
set match_latejoin "1" 
set match_minplayers "0"
set match_mutespecs "0"
set match_readypercent "0"
set match_timeoutcount "0"
set match_warmupDamage "2"
set team_maxplayers "10"
set team_nocontrols "1"
set pmove_fixed "0"
set pmove_msec "8"
set g_ATB "0"
set g_ATB_diff "50"
set g_XPSaveFile "xpsave.cfg"
set g_ammoCabinetTime 10000
set g_healthCabinetTime 10000

set g_lms_currentMatch "0"

set g_voting 13
set vote_limit "0" 
set vote_percent "51"
set vote_allow_comp "0"
set vote_allow_gametype "0"
set vote_allow_kick "1"
set vote_allow_map "1" 
set vote_allow_matchreset "1"
set vote_allow_mutespecs "1"
set vote_allow_nextmap "1"
set vote_allow_pub "0"
set vote_allow_referee "0"
set vote_allow_shuffleteams "1"
set vote_allow_swapteams "1" 
set vote_allow_friendlyfire "1"
set vote_allow_timelimit "1"
set vote_allow_warmupdamage "1"
set vote_allow_antilag "0"
set vote_allow_balancedteams "1"
set vote_allow_muting "1"
set vote_allow_shufflenorestart "1"
set g_poison 5

set g_reflectFriendlyFire 0
set g_reflectFFWeapons 31
set g_friendlyFireOpts 1
set team_maxMedics -1
set team_maxEngineers -1
set team_maxFieldOps -1
set team_maxCovertOps -1
set g_covertopschargetime 30000
set g_soldierchargetime 15000
set g_ltchargetime 30000
set g_engineerchargetime 21000
set g_medicchargetime 35000

set g_logsync 0
set logfile 2
set g_log "etconsole.log"

set sv_fullmsg "Sorry, our server is full!"
set server_motd0 "^5Looking for members!"
set server_motd1 "^1W^9e hope you have ^1f^9un"
set server_motd2 "^885.14.230.7"
set server_motd3 "^1NO ^3S^9pawnkilling^1/^3C^9amping"
set server_motd4 "^114^6Days^7XP^9Save"
set server_motd5 "^1powered by"

// Punkbuster aktivieren:
// sv_punkbuster is a readonly variable. Use +set sv_punkbuster on command line or use the command pb_sv_enable in the console.

exec objectivecycle.cfg             // Objective Mode

// in case the game dies with an ERR_DROP
// or any situation leading to server running with no map
//set com_watchdog 10                           // defaults 60
set com_watchdog_cmd "exec objectivecycle.cfg"   // defaults to quit

exec wi_httpdownload.cfg
exec downloadkorrektur.cfg
exec settings.cfg

Verfasst: So 29. Jun 2008, 17:17
von |bTc|ClawFire
müsste set match_minplayers "0" sein, wenn ich jetzt nicht ganz dumm denke

Verfasst: So 29. Jun 2008, 17:42
von Luk Luk

Code: Alles auswählen

set match_minplayers "0"
Steht schon da, keine Änderung!

Verfasst: So 29. Jun 2008, 18:31
von |bTc|ClawFire
sorry, übersehen
muss ich nochmals genau nachschauen

Verfasst: Mo 30. Jun 2008, 02:06
von WoodSTokk
Könnte auch

Code: Alles auswählen

set g_intermissionReadyPercent 0
Wenn kein Spieler am Server ist, kann auch keiner Ready klicken.

mfG WoodSTokk

Verfasst: Mo 30. Jun 2008, 12:32
von Luk Luk
Ja, aber wenn doch Spieler drauf sind, dann brauch nur einer "Ready" drücken (am Ende einer Map) und er springt zur nächsten, ohne, dass die anderen eine Chance haben ihr Stats anzugucken, oder?

Verfasst: Mo 30. Jun 2008, 13:33
von Luk Luk
Falls jemand mal testen Will, die IP ist

Verfasst: Mo 30. Jun 2008, 20:45
von Patze
Ich weiß nicht WIE es geht, aber man kann irgendwie einstellen. dass es nach, sagen wir, 30 Sekunden weiterspringt auch wenn keiner Ready drückt. Habe dies jedenfalls bei Jaymod gesehen...

Verfasst: Mo 30. Jun 2008, 22:23
von Luk Luk
Ja das ist ja die Zeit, in der das Ergebnis gezeigt wird + Stats etc. ist immer am Ende einer Map.

Das ist

Code: Alles auswählen

set g_intermissionTime 32 

Verfasst: Di 1. Jul 2008, 01:25
von WoodSTokk
Sehe gerade am Ende deiner Config folgende Zeilen:

Code: Alles auswählen

exec wi_httpdownload.cfg 
exec downloadkorrektur.cfg 
exec settings.cfg
Wird in diesen Dateien die 'IntermissionTime' auch nicht verstellt?

Verfasst: Di 1. Jul 2008, 13:09
von Luk Luk

Code: Alles auswählen

exec wi_httpdownload.cfg 
--> Automatische Anpassung des Downloadlinks seitens des Serverhosters

Code: Alles auswählen

exec downloadkorrektur.cfg 
--> set sv_wwwDLDisconnected 1
(in der wi_httpdownload.cfg steht set g_dldisconnect 0)

Code: Alles auswählen

exec settings.cfg
Nur Killingspree Settings

Kann sie einzeln posten!
Kommt gleich.......



Code: Alles auswählen

set g_humiliationSound0 "sound/chat/misc/yousuck.wav" 
set g_humiliationSound1 "sound/chat/misc/yousuck.wav" 
set g_humiliationSound2 "sound/chat/misc/yousuck.wav" 
set g_humiliationSound3 "sound/chat/misc/yousuck.wav" 
set g_humiliationSound4 "sound/chat/misc/yousuck.wav" 
set g_humiliationSound5 "sound/chat/misc/yousuck.wav" 

set g_humiliationMessage0 "^dmust be having a bad day!" 
set g_humiliationMessage1 "^dis getting his ass kicked!" 
set g_humiliationMessage2 "^9 seems to be a real n00b" 
set g_humiliationMessage3 "^9 is a real ^1n^700^1b^9" 
set g_humiliationMessage4 "^1is fucking bad!" 
set g_humiliationMessage5 "^1still can't kill shit!" 

vielleicht liegts daran:


Code: Alles auswählen

set d1 "set g_gametype 2; map fueldump; set nextmap vstr d2"
set d2 "set g_gametype 2; map goldrush; set nextmap vstr d3"
set d3 "set g_gametype 2; map battery_recharged; set nextmap vstr d4"
set d4 "set g_gametype 2; map oasis; set nextmap vstr d5"
set d5 "set g_gametype 2; map caen; set nextmap vstr d6"
set d6 "set g_gametype 2; map baserace; set nextmap vstr d7"
set d7 "set g_gametype 2; map venice; set nextmap vstr d8"
set d8 "set g_gametype 2; map railgun; set nextmap vstr d9"
set d9 "set g_gametype 2; map supplydepot2; set nextmap vstr d1"
vstr d1


Code: Alles auswählen

set sv_wwwDLDisconnected 1

wi_httpdownload.cfg :

Code: Alles auswählen

// Download-URL fuer Maps etc (wird nur beim Serverstart neu geschrieben, mit exec ausfuehren !).
// Letzte Aenderung/last modification: 30.06.2008 22:26:33
set sv_wwwDownload "1"
set sv_wwwCheckPath ""
set sv_wwwDLDisconnected 0
set sv_wwwFallbackURL ""
set sv_wwwBaseURL "****************"

dann ist da noch eine wi_pbsv

Code: Alles auswählen

PB_SV_CvarChangedPulse 99
PB_SV_CvarUserPulse 99
PB_SV_CvarFreq 6
PB_SV_CvarLogging 1
PB_SV_CvarWalk 0
PB_SV_KickLen 2
PB_SV_MaxConDls 3
PB_SV_MaxDlRate 1
PB_SV_MsgPrefix "^3PunkBuster Server"
PB_SV_AutoSs 1
PB_SV_AutoSsFrom 60
PB_SV_AutoSsTo 1200
PB_SV_SsDelay 0
PB_SV_SsCeiling 100
PB_SV_SsHeight 768
PB_SV_SsWidth 500
PB_SV_SsXPct 50
PB_SV_SsYPct 50
PB_SV_SsSRate 1


Verfasst: Mi 2. Jul 2008, 05:12
von WoodSTokk
Hab gestern deinen Server untersucht und nichts gefunden.
Was sagt den der Server zu den Intermission-Settings wenn du es live abfragst (kannst du über 'rcon' machen)?
Arbeitet er tatsächlich mit diesen Settings?

Ich teste mal deine Intermission-Settings auf meinem Server (wozu hat man einen Test-Server).

mfG WoodSTokk

Verfasst: Mi 2. Jul 2008, 17:05
von Luk Luk
Ähm, welches Command muss ich denn genau eingeben?

Verfasst: Mi 2. Jul 2008, 18:56
von WoodSTokk
Genauso wie du es am Client macht, nur das du davor 'rcon <rconpass>' schreibst.
Dadurch erkennt der Client, daß nicht er gemeint ist sondern der Server und schickt die Anfrage zum Server.

Also Console auf und:

Code: Alles auswählen

/rcon <rconpass> cvarlist *inter*
Aber ich hab schon gesehen, daß mein Server auch nicht wechselt.
Werde das mal weiter untersuchen.

mfG WoodSTokk

Verfasst: Mi 2. Jul 2008, 20:28
von Luk Luk
Readypercent 51
Intermission Time 32
