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alle einstellungen von version 0.x bis 3.1.1

Verfasst: Di 1. Jul 2003, 00:35
von tspoon
viel spass :)

// version 3.1
g_shove 1
g_legDamage 0
g_trimLog 0 //Omit ClientConnect/item lines from logfile
g_ROF 1 //Proportional to delay between MP40/Thompsonshots (e.g. 0.7 is fast, 2 is twice as slow) Potential bandwidth hog!
g_showVotes 0 //Display how each player votes
g_MG42 1 //enable/disable enhanced MG42s
g_crouchRate 5 //proportional to recharge rate when crouched
g_noObjSpawns 0
g_disguise 0
g_hitSounds 0 //enable/disable hitsounds
g_kickable 1
g_lieutenant 1
g_panzerfaust 0
g_sounds 1 //enable/disable soundpack commands
g_stats 1
g_tripMines 1
g_tripMineLength 320 //max length of trip mine wire
g_medicNades 5 //number of nades medics begin with
g_LTNades 5 //number of nades LTs begin with
g_medicClips 1 //number of spare clips medics begin with
g_engineerClips 1 //number of spare clips engineers begin with
g_spawnInvul 3 //spawn invulnerability time
g_reviveInvul 3 //revive invulnerability time
g_staminaRate 1 //proportional to stamina recharge rate
g_destroyOwnObj 0 //allow defender to destroy objectives
g_corpseWar 0 //requires map_restart to reset :)
g_maxClips 5 //max number of clips one can store in reserves
g_54321 1 //enable/disable warmup voice countdown
g_waterSniping 1 //allow/disallow water sniping
g_packDistance 1 //proportional to distance med/ammo packs travel
g_medicHints 1 //enable/disable You are closest med... messages
g_complaintForms 1 //enable/disable TK complaint forms (for bots)
g_pistolOnly 0 //enable/disable pistol only round (map_restart)
g_needleOnly 0 //enable/disable needle only round (map_restart)
g_friendlyFire 0 //When g_friendlyFire is set to 2, damage given to teammates is returned to the damager.

// version 3.0
g_highAchievers 4095
g_allowedSounds "fear1 fear2 halt heifer meingut schnell scream smellhim stophim"
g_dropClips 1 //enable/disable clip dropping
g_noObjSpawns 0 //enable/disable objective spawning
g_goomba 1 //enable/disable disable goomba killing
g_grenadePacks 1 //enable/disable LT grenade packs
g_dropBinocs 1 //enable/disable binoculars dropping on limbo
g_dropHealth 2 //number of med packs medics drop when they limbo
g_dropNades 2 //of nades engineers drop when they limbo
g_dropObj 3 //number of times a player can drop objective
g_mapMessages 1 //enable/disable map messages
g_multiClass 0 //enable/disable multiclass
g_poison 20 //damage per second/disable
g_rconlPassword taskarena //RCON Lite password
g_rconlCommands "map_restart clientkick"
g_readyUp 0 //enable/disable ready-up system
g_maxRepeats 2 //number of repeats allowed
g_shove 1 //turn shoving on/off
g_shoveAmount 180 //amount of shove to apply
g_shoveNoZ 1 //turn z-axis shoving on/off (1 means off)
g_shoveOff 1 //enable/disable shoving team off ledges
g_smokeGrenades 25 //smoke grenade time/disable
g_smokeGrenadesLmt 0 //max smoke grenades per life
g_throwableKnives 30 //initial number of throwable knives
g_maxKnives 30 //max knives one can carry
g_knifeDamage 45 //max damage thrown knife gives
g_capAmmo 0 //enable/disable forced ammo caps
g_unlockWeapons 3 //see documentation

// version 2.07
g_mines 0 //enable/disable proximity mines
g_mineActivate 5 //seconds before an armed mine activates
g_mineAutoDisarm 0 //disarm mine when player limbos
g_mineShootable 0 //whether mine can be shot at or not
g_mineHints 1 //enable/disable mine hints
g_outdoorMines 0 //enable/disable outdoor-only mines
g_warmupDamage 0 //enable/disable warmup damage
g_privateMessages 1 //turn on/off private messages
g_minMsgChars 2 //min number of characters in name
g_giveAmmo 1 //enable/disable ammo giving/donating
g_ammoHints 1 //turn on/off ammo hints
g_ammoHintDelay 250 //time (ms) between hint updates
g_dragCorpse 1 //enable/disable corpse dragging
g_playDead 1 //enable/disable playing dead
g_playDeadLook 1 //enable/disable looking around while PD
g_warmupFreeze 0 //enable/disable warmup freezing

// version 2.06
g_censor "fuck shit damn $hit a$$ nigger nig bitch cunt penis klu klux vagina dick H. himmler himler adolph adolf cock balls tampon boner poop piss parts hunt pol pot urinal" //list of words to censor in chat
g_censorPenalty 1 //turn on/off gibbing for using censored words
g_censorPenaltyMsg "no cursing allow" //message to display when censored word is used
g_disallowedVotes "freezetag headshot normal"
g_flameDamage 0 //turn on/off flamer self-damage in FF off mode
g_headshot 0 //turn headshot mode on/off
g_headshotDmg 25 //in headshot mode, damage per headshot
g_maxFlamer 2 //max flamers per team (-1 is unlimited)
g_maxMauser 2 //max mausers per team (-1 is unlimited)
g_maxPF 2 //max panzers per team (-1 is unlimited)
g_maxVenom 2 //max venoms per team (-1 is unlimited)
g_waterRevive 1 //turn on/off underwater reviving
g_shuffle 0

// version 2.05
g_ASBlock 1
g_binocs 1 //set which other classes have binocs
g_freezeTag 0 //turn freeze tag on/off
g_unFreezeTime 3 //time to unfreeze
g_freezeRespawn 0 //unfreeze timeout
g_unFreezeInvul 1 //invulnerability time after unfreeze
g_propDamage 0 //turn on/off property damage
g_showMsgs 0 //turn off msgs/seconds between each msg
g_msgPos 1 //position of message
g_msg1 "^7Welcome ^2on the ^7Wolfsquad ^2ShrubServer!"
g_msg2 "^7visit us @ ^!"
g_msg3 "^7Mines ^2Poisen ^7Kickable Airstrikes ^2ON!"
g_msg4 "^2Have ^7fun ^2and ^7good ^2games!"

//version 2.04
g_medObjHeal 1 //turn on/off medic self-healing when carrying obj
g_dynaWarn 10 //dynamite warning notification time
g_legDamage 0 //turn on/off leg shot speed reduction
g_legDmgTime 300 //duration (in ms) of initial speed reduction
g_legDmgAmount 2 //speed reduction constant
g_startAmmoPenalty 5 //start ammo penalty time

//version 2.03
g_lockSpecs 0 //turn on/off spectator locking
g_stealObjBonus 5 //bonus for stealing objective
g_captureObjBonus 5 //default bonus for capturing objective
g_killCarrierBonus 5 //bonus for killing objective carrier
g_secureObjBonus 5 //bonus for securing objective from slain carrier
g_plantBonus 5 //bonus for planting dynamite at objective
g_diffuseBonus 5 //bonus for diffusing dynamite
g_destObjBonus 5 //bonus for destroying objective with dynamite
g_capBlueObjBonus 5 //bonus for capturing allied objective
g_capRedObjBonus 5 //bonus for capturing axis objective
g_reportGibs 1 //enable/disable gib reporting
g_gibPoints 1 //enable/disable gib points
g_showTapOut 1 //turn on/off tapped out into limbo msgs
g_helmetProtects 1 //turn on/off helmet protection
g_helmetDamage 5 //amount of damage first head shot takes
g_showRevives 1 //turn on/off printing revives in console

// version 2.02
g_sinkCorpses 1 //turn on/off corpse sinking
g_allowSpecChat 1 //turn on/off spec chat to non-specs

// original release/undefined
g_allowPF 1 //allow/disallow panzerfausts
g_allowFlamer 1 //allow/disallow flamethrowers
g_allowMauser 1 //allow/disallow mauser
g_allowVenom 1 //allow/disallow venom gun
g_allowLateJoins 1 //allow/disallow late joins
g_lateJoinTime 15 //time after round start when one is late
g_allowLTF 1 //enable/disable launch/throw/fling
g_ammoGivesSyringe 5 //turn on/off syringes in ammo packs
g_ammoGivesPistol 1 //turn on/off pistol rounds in ammo packs
g_ammoGivesHelmet 1 //turn on/off helmets in ammo packs
g_showTeamCount 1 //turn team left reporting on/off
g_teamCountConsole 1 //enable/disable team counts in console
g_flagWins 1 //enable/disable checkpoint flag wins
g_flagPoints 1 //allow/disallow flag points
g_allowStartVotes 1 //allow/disallow map-starting votes
g_maxStartVotes 3 //number of attempts allowed before player is kicked
g_fun 0 //turn fun mode on/off
g_showStats 1 //turn limbo stats on/off
g_logStats 1 //log round stats enable/disable
g_lifeStats 1 //use life stats (1) or round stats (0)
g_touchgib 0 //turn touch gibbing on/off