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Zeigt her eure Scripts!

Verfasst: Di 13. Apr 2004, 14:01
von frAg|Ba!t
Hey wer schöne/gute Scripts hat kann sie hier reinschreiben OK? :harhar: :ugly: :city:
hier meine autoexec.cfg:

bind * say ^3== / / ^7>>^7l^2o^7l^7<<^3 \ \ ==
bind f10 say ^3== / / ^7>> y^7o^2u ^7w^2e^7r^2e ^7s^2t^7@^2b^7b^2e^7d ^7<<^3 \ \ ==
bind f3 vsay_team FTreviveme
bind f4 vsay_team FThealme
bind f5 vsay FTexplorearea
bind f6 vsay FTmortar
bind f7 vsay_team FTattack
bind f8 vsay_team FTfallback
bind f9 vsay cheer
bind j kill
bind o say ^3== / / ^7>> ^2g^7o^2d ^7b^2l^7e^2s^7s ^2t^7h^2!^7s ^2p^7u^25^75^2y ^7<<^3 \ \ ==

Verfasst: Di 13. Apr 2004, 18:02
von DafOmen


Verfasst: Mi 14. Apr 2004, 09:52
von frAg|Ba!t

Verfasst: Mi 14. Apr 2004, 10:41
von silver
hat dieser thread irgendeinen mir nicht verständlichen sinn :?: :?: :?:

Verfasst: Do 15. Apr 2004, 01:34
von WoodSTokk
frAg|Ba!t will prüfen ob einer von uns cheatet :shock:

Verfasst: Do 15. Apr 2004, 09:32
von silver
WoodSTokk hat geschrieben:frAg|Ba!t will prüfen ob einer von uns cheatet :shock:
da muss ich ihn entäuschen. meine cfg ist sauber. hab alles in einer datei und die heist auch noch etconfig.cfg

Verfasst: Fr 16. Apr 2004, 20:03
von frAg|Ba!t
meint ihr so was?

// Set cg_
set "cg_announcer" "1" //warwitch prepare to fight! and fight! sounds (1=yes 0=no)
set “cg_atmosphericEffects “0”
set "cg_autoactivate" "1" //pick up ammo/med/obj/guns automatically? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_autoaction" "4" //save stats at end of round? bitmask, (1=demo 2=screenshot 4=save stats to file)
set "cg_autoreload" "1" //automatically reload pistol/panzer/smg/venom when ammo expended? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_autoswitch" "0" //automatically switch to pistol when smg out of ammo? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_blinktime" "100" //good question. :x
set "cg_bloodDamageBlend" "0.0 " //amount of screen to turn red when shot? (1=full blood splatter .5=half 0=none)
set "cg_bloodTime" "0" //how long (in milliseconds) does blood stay on walls/floor? (0=no blood decals)
set "cg_bloodflash" "0.0 " //show blood flash (directional indicator) when shot? (1=full blood splash .5=half 0=none)
set "cg_bobpitch" "0" //amount player bobs forward/back while moving (in quake units) (0=none)
set "cg_bobroll" "0" //amount player rolls side to side while moving (in quake units) (0=none)
set "cg_bobup" "0" //amount player bobs up while moving (in quake units) (0=none)
set “cg_bobyaw” “0.002”
set “cg_runroll” “0”
set “cg_runpitch” “0”
set "cg_brassTime" "0" //how long do expended shells remain on floor? (0=none)
set "cg_cameraOrbitDelay" "50" //change the rate at which the camara moves to the next orbit position (higher number=slower)
set "cg_complaintpopup" "0" //pop up complaint prompt when TK'ed? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_coronafardist" "0" //draw sun flares? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_coronas" "0" //draw sun flares? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_crosshairAlpha" "1" //level of crosshair transparency? (1=full crosshair .5=semitransparent 0=none)
set "cg_crosshairAlphaAlt" "1" //level of secondary crosshair transparency? (1=full crosshair .5=semitransparent 0=none)
set "cg_crosshairColor" "red" //color of crosshair? Possible values are:
//white black red green blue yellow magenta cyan orange
//mdred mdgreen dkgreen mdcyan mdyellow mdorange mdblue ltgrey mdgrey dkgreen

set "cg_crosshairHealth" "0" //change crosshair color from to red depending on health? (req:0 for crosshair colors to take effect)
set "cg_crosshairpulse" "0" //change size of crosshair depending on accuracy loss due to lateral mouse movement? 1=yes 0=no
set "cg_crosshairSize" "48" //size of crosshair on screen (higher number=larger)
set "cg_crosshairX" "0" //alter positioning of crosshair on screen along x axis (in pixels, - numbers move left + move right)
set "cg_crosshairY" "0" //alter positioning of crosshair on screen along y axis (in pixels, - numbers move up + move down)
set "cg_currentSelectedPlayer" "0" //default playernumber to spectate upon death
set "cg_cursorHints" "1" //show dyno/backstab/breakable obj hints? also dyno defuse/plant meter (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_cycleAllWeaps" "1" //cycle non-weapons when using mwheel to switch(needle pliars a/s packs)? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_deferPlayers" "1" //loading of player models will not take place until next map, death, or scorecheck (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_drawAttacker" "0" //show last known assailant on screen? 1=yes 0=no (leftover from q3, still work?)
set "cg_drawCompass" "1" //draw compass@bottom of screen (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_drawCrosshair" "5" //crosshair style? (1-10)
set "cg_drawCrosshairNames" "1" //draw friendly player names under crosshair? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_drawFPS" "1" //draw frames per second displayed? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_drawGun" "0" //draw gun on screen? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_drawIcons" "1" //draw gun icons on screen? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_drawNotifyText" "1" //display console text in notification area on scren? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_drawReinforcementTime" "1" //display friendly respawn time? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_drawSnapshot" "0" //display client-server traffic? (for debugging?) (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_drawStatus" "1" //display HUD? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_drawTeamOverlay" "2" //type of team display (0=none 1=short 2=long)
set "cg_drawTimer" "0" //draw time left in round? (redundant, already displayed) (1=yes, 0=no)
set "cg_drawWeaponIconFlash" "1" //weapon icon outline colored based on state: red=firing yellow=reload white=switching (1=yes, 0=no)
set "cg_gibs" "0" //draw body chunks when gibbed? (1=yes, 0=no)
set "cg_fov" "90" //field of vision (higher is wider)
set "cg_hudAlpha" "1.0" //transparency of HUD? (1=full crosshair .5=semitransparent 0=none)
set “cg_impactvibration” “0”
set "cg_lagometer" "1" //display lag-o-meter? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_marks" "0" //draw marks on walls? bulletholes, etc (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_marktime" "0" //time in milliseconds to leave marks on walls

set “cg_muzzleflash” “0”
set "cg_popupLimboMenu" "0" //pop up limbo menu upon death (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_predictItems" "0" //use clientside prediction for item pickup (may falsely play item pickup sound when on) (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_quickMessageAlt" "1" //use numbers or letters for voice comms? (1=numbers 0=letters)
set "cg_selectedPlayer" "0" //selected player to spectate?
set "cg_selectedPlayerName" "HelenKeller" //selected player name to spectate?
set "cg_shadows" "0" //draw player shadows (0=none 1=circle 2=raycasted)
set "cg_showblood" "1" //show blood when shooting players? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_simpleItems" "0" //represent packs/weapons as icons instead of 3d objects? (aids in recognition) (1=icon 0=object)
set "cg_stereoSeparation" "0.4" //amount of stereo seperation in sound output from 0-1
set "cg_teamChatHeight" "6" //number of lines of text to draw on screen
set "cg_teamChatTime" "99999" //number of milliseconds before drawn text fades
set "cg_teamChatsOnly" "0" //display text from team only? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_useWeapsForZoom" "1" //use mwheel to zoom in/out when bound to change weapons? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_viewsize" "100" //percentage of screen to display
set "cg_voiceSpriteTime" "6000" //time for voice icons (exclamation point, ammo, health) to remain on compass (in milliseconds)
set "cg_weaponCycleDelay" "150" //delay between weapon switching when using mwheel (in millseconds)
set "cg_wolfparticles" "1" //draw particles on screen (airstrike/artillery/nade/panzer explosions) (1=yes 0=no)
set "cg_zoomDefaultBinoc" "3" //default zoom level for binocs
set "cg_zoomDefaultSniper" "3" //default zoom level for sniper
set "cg_zoomStepBinoc" "2" //levels of zoom for binocs?
set "cg_zoomfov" "20" //default fov for zoom?
set "cg_zoomstepsniper" "3" //levels of zoom for sniper?
Set “cg_runroll” “0”
Set “cg_runpitch” “0”
Set “cg_recoilpitch “0”
Set “cg_drawSpreadScale “1”
// Set cl_
set "cl_packetdup" "1" //send duplicate packets when packet is dropped? (1=yes 0=no)
set "cl_allowDownload" "1" //allow client to download missing files? (1=yes 0=no)
set “cl_mouseAccel” “0”
set "cl_timenudge" "0" //client lag prediction (negative 1/4 of avg ping is good guide)
set "cl_maxpackets" "222" //max packets to send per second (higher = smoother play but requires beefier connection)
set “sv_screenshake” “0”
// Set r_
set "r_allowExtensions" "1" //allow use of opengl extensions? (uses hardware to fullest) (1=yes 0=no)
set “r_atmosphereeffects “0”
set "r_colorbits" "16" //16 or 32 bit color?
set "r_customaspect" "1" //allow for a custom aspect ratio? (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_customheight" "800" //vertical resolution
set "r_customwidth" "600" //horizontal resolution
set "r_depthbits" "16" //how many bits for depth buffer?
set "r_detailtextures" "0" //use detailed textures? (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_displayrefresh" "70" //refresh rate (in hz) to use
set "r_drawSun" "0" //draw sun on screen? (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_dynamiclight" "0" //use dynamic lighting (panzer lights up area around, guns also) (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_ext_compiled_vertex_array" "1" //toggle hardware compiled vertex array rendering method (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_ext_compressed_textures" "0" //toggle compression of textures (uses less vid ram, less quality, and slower loading) (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_ext_gamma_control" "1" //enable external gamma control settings (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_ext_multitexture" "1" //toggle hardware mutitexturing (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_ext_texture_env_add" "1" //toggle additive blending in multitexturing (1=yes 0=no)
set “r_ext_NV_fog_dist” “0” unsafe
set "r_facePlaneCull" "1" //toggle culling of brush faces not in view (0 will slow FPS) (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_fastsky" "1" //display sky as single color or fancy with clouds etc. (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_finish" "0" //toggle synchronization of rendered frames (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_flares" "0" //toggle projectile flare and lighting effect (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_fullscreen" "1" //toggle full screen or play in a window (1=fullscreen 0=windowed)
set "r_gamma" "3" //level of gamma ramping
set "r_glDriver" "opengl32" //used "x" OpenGL driver (standard OpenGL32 or 3dfxvgl)
set "r_glIgnoreWicked3D" "0" //when using 3dfx ignore wicked3d drivers? (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_highQualityVideo" "0" //video sucks. (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_intensity" "5" //color intensity higher=brighter
set "r_ignoreFastPath" "0" //gives boost in fps when set to 0, enables prediction in gfx card (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_ignoreGLErrors" "1" //self-explanatory, chump! (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_ignorehwgamma" "1" //use hardware gamma? affects operation of gamma controls (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_inGameVideo" "0" //toggle loading and display of in-game video (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_lodCurveError" "250" //another level of detail setting if set to 10000 "don't drop curve rows for a long time"
set "r_lodbias" "2" //change the geometric level of detail (0 - 2)
set "r_mode" "6" //display mode (3=640x480 4=800x600 6=1024x768 7=1280x1024)
set "r_overBrightBits" "3" //brightness adjustment (higher=brighter)
set "r_picmip" "0" //set maximum texture size (0 - 10, 10=fastest 0=quality)
set “r_picmip2” “2”
set "r_primitives" "0" //set the rendering method. (1-3)
set "r_rmse" "0.0" //blurring for textures, increases fps
set "r_roundImagesDown" "2" //set rounding down amount (larger = faster, lower = quality)
set "r_simpleMipMaps" "1" //toggle the use of "simple" mip mapping. (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_smp" "0" //toggle the use of multi processor acceleration code (buggy)
set "r_stencilbits" "0" //stencil buffer size (0, 8bit, and 16bit)
set "r_stereo" "0" //toggle the use of stereo separation for 3D glasses (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_subdivisions" "999" //set maximum level of detail. (an example would be the complexity of curves. 1=highest detail)
set "r_swapInterval" "0" //toggle frame swapping (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_textureMode" "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" //select texture mode, linear or nearest
set "r_texturebits" "0" //color depth for textures? (16 or 32)
set "r_uifullscreen" "0" //hax for fog removal (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_vertexLight" "1" //vertex or not? vertex = lower quality, brighter (1=yes 0=no)
set "r_mapoverbrightbits" "3" //brightness adjustment (higher=brighter)
// Set com_
set "com_blood" "0" //draw blood?
set "com_hunkMegs" "225" //memory in megabytes to use for level matrices/hashes/etc.
set "com_introplayed" "0" //play intro on loading of game? (1=yes 0=no)
set "com_maxfps" "400" //frame rate limiter (value is frames per second)
set "com_soundMegs" "32" //memory in megabytes to use for sounds
set "com_zoneMegs" "24" //memory in megabytes to us
set “snaps” “40”
set “con_debug” “0”

Verfasst: Fr 16. Apr 2004, 20:57
von Bazillus
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

set "com_maxfps" "400" //frame rate limiter (value is frames per second)

Verfasst: Sa 17. Apr 2004, 01:59
von WoodSTokk
Anscheinend glauben immer noch einige Leute das ihr Monitor soviele Bilder in der Sekunde auf die Mattscheibe werfen kann :lol:

Verfasst: Sa 17. Apr 2004, 09:10
von Bazillus,oder aber "er" hat uns mächtig verarscht :wink:
der hammer echt :D

Verfasst: Sa 17. Apr 2004, 11:13
von silver
Bazillus hat geschrieben::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

set "com_maxfps" "400" //frame rate limiter (value is frames per second)
das wunderding dass das darstellen kann will ich sehen. btw was soll das bringen? das auge sieht das eh nicht.

Verfasst: Sa 17. Apr 2004, 11:18
von Bazillus
du weisst doch .....immer die selbe leier.

Verfasst: Sa 17. Apr 2004, 11:22
von silver
du meinst dass das keiner darstellen kann/die augen brauchen das nicht/anpassung an die worldunits?! jo weis ich.

Verfasst: So 18. Apr 2004, 03:33
von Master Mayhem
naja ich hab maxfps 125 eingestellt, wobei das bei nem 60hz monitor sowieso egal ist wenn die GraKa mehr als 50fps ausspuckt, aber ich wollte mal wissen wieviel er schafft :mrgreen:

Verfasst: Mo 19. Apr 2004, 18:44
von Sepulfreak
auch wenn ich jetzt wahrscheinlich schon bei meinem 2. Post zum totalen n00b abgestempelt werde, aber wie aber wie macht man ...hmm, wie soll ich sagen... vorgeferigte messages?
habs genauso gemacht wie frAg|Ba!t aber wenn ich dann meine gewählte taste drücke passiert nix :oops: